Bold Brows

Advanced Microblading for Stunning Eyebrows

BoldBrows represent a heightened level of microblading, recognised as an advanced technique in the field. Like PhiBrows, BoldBrows offers a specialised training and certification to achieve meticulously crafted eyebrows tailored to each client's unique hair growth pattern. This technique like microblading, is a learned skill to which I have devoted hours of practise and always continue to learn and grow in this area. This attention to detail ensures hyper-realistic results that enhance natural beauty.

Choosing Your Style:

The pattern chosen for BoldBrows is based on your individual hair growth, carefully selected by your brow artist to achieve optimal hyperrealism. This personalised approach guarantees eyebrows that seamlessly blend with your natural features.

Healing Process:

The healing process typically completes within four weeks, with a mandatory top-up appointment scheduled approximately six weeks after the initial session. During this session, any lost pigment is replenished, or adjustments are made to perfect the brows. Depending on the client's skin type and other factors, additional top-up sessions may be recommended.

Pain Management:

Pain during the treatment is subjective, varying from client to client. While some may experience stronger sensations, others compare it to the discomfort of plucking eyebrows. Mild topical anesthetics can be used to minimize or eliminate pain during the procedure, ensuring a comfortable experience for all clients.

Factors Affecting Success:

The success of BoldBrows treatment depends on various factors, including skin quality, post-treatment care, and exposure to external elements. While these factors are beyond the artist's control, thorough consultation and aftercare instructions are provided to maximise results. Due to the unpredictable nature of these variables, guarantees for the treatment cannot be provided.

Consultation Requirements:

A consultation is essential to determine if you are a suitable candidate for BoldBrows treatment. Certain conditions, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or undergoing chemotherapy, may preclude eligibility for the procedure, ensuring the safety and well-being of the client.

Bold Brows FAQs

What are BoldBrows?

BoldBrows represents an advanced form of microblading, offering meticulously crafted eyebrows tailored to each client's unique hair growth pattern for hyper-realistic results.

How is BoldBrows different from traditional microblading?

BoldBrows utilizes an advanced pattern selection technique, tailored to individual hair growth, to achieve optimal hyperrealism, setting it apart as an advanced microblading technique. It is highly suitable for clients with different patterns of hair growth than the “usual” eyebrow.

What factors affect the success of BoldBrows treatment?

The success of BoldBrows treatment depends on factors such as skin quality, post-treatment care, and exposure to external elements. While these factors are beyond the artist's control, thorough consultation and aftercare instructions are provided to maximise results.

Is BoldBrows suitable for everyone?

A consultation is necessary to determine if you are a suitable candidate for BoldBrows treatment. Boldbrows are chosen depending on skin type & hair growth pattern.

Can I have this done if I have an underlying illness or if I am pregnant?

A consultation is carried out to assess eligibility for the treatment as certain conditions, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or undergoing chemotherapy, may affect eligibility for the procedure.

What happens if my natural brow colour is a lot lighter than my hair colour?

The brows cannot be a completely different colour to your natural brow colour as we want them to seamlessly blend, however if your brows are completely blonde etc and you have dyed your hair we will look at root colour/ skin colour etc to find a colour that works overall with your hair colour & natural brow hair.

How do you pick a colour? Will they be very dark?

Usually at the initial appointment I match the brows to the natural brow colour & then they will fade 30%. They might be too lighten when you come back but we can always build the colour. If you want them a little darker we can do so at the top up appointment. We still have to work within the boundaries of your natural colourings. Example: I will never do black eyebrows on someone who is blonde.